Stand 2 Learn

February 18, 2016
Stand 2 Learn
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We often think of ergonomic products as being designed for adults but children can benefit greatly in forming healthy lifestyle habits. The Stand2learn station was created as a bi-product of a CDC grant in reducing childhood obesity. What researchers found is the time children spend sedentary is the greatest opportunity we have in intervening and providing an option to be active. In studying children who used a standing station as a option provided in a classroom, their calorie burn rate increases by as much as 20%. What’s more amazing are students also performed better on standardized tests by 3-5% when given the option to sit or stand.

By having the option to sit or stand station, children became more engaged, had improved focused and overall improved health. Observations by teaches noted that children were creative in their use of the standing desk. “My students found so many different uses for this desk. Some took notes, some used it for assessments, and some used it during group work. It also served as a great solution for overly stimulated students to continue working while still getting a change in position. We love it!” — Anita L., GEI Reviewer

Recently, Stand2Learn received the Global Educator Institution (GEI) Seal of Endorsement. Its amazing the profound impact we can have on future generation with simple ergonomic products like Stand2learn. Make no mistake, this products isn’t only for children but for all ages.

Visit our selection of sit/stand stations and get yours today with free shipping.




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