Visit Our Showroom

April 30, 2019
Visit Our Showroom
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Did you know that you can visit Ergo Works in person? Make an appointment to visit our showroom in Palo Alto, CA for additional benefits you won’t find online. You’ve probably thought about implementing non-traditional workstation accessories. Sit/stand stations and alternative seating can improve your ergonomic health. However, it’s important to know what works for you. When you see us in person, you can try out unfamiliar accessories. This is especially important when you’re buying on behalf of your corporation. We’re happy to facilitate this process from beginning to end. You can start with a workstation evaluation. We’ll be able to identify your office’s goals and create a plan that’s right for you. Then, make an appointment to visit our showroom. You’ll try out recommended products, receive corporate pricing and a custom corporate order form.


Try Workstation Furniture & Accessories:

Everyone’s ergonomic needs vary. There are many workstation accessories that can improve ergonomic health. However, it can be hard to figure out what’s right for you. Schedule an appointment to visit our showroom so you can see these products in person. Not only is it easier for you to make decisions about the right product for you, but you’ll also be able to take advantage of in-person only benefits.


Corporate Purchasing:

We’ll work with you to order furniture for your entire office. Start by making an appointment to visit our showroom. Once there, you’ll be able to try out our products and approve the items that you’d like to see at the office. Next, we’ll create a custom order form with all of the pre-approved furniture and accessories. That way everyone in the office will be able to meet their ergonomic needs while following corporate standards. In addition, corporate purchasing from our showroom will give you access to additional discounts. These discounts are based on quantity, product selection or a commitment to purchase over time.


Other Services:

Coordinating a showroom visit with any of our other services is a great way to streamline ergonomic health in your workspace. We offer workstation evaluations, workshop training, office space planning and on-site installations. They all tie together.

  1. Workstation evaluations can be done either on-site or remote. Our team will analyze your workspace to identify and resolve ergonomic issues. 
  1. Workshop trainings are an opportunity to teach your entire office, from end users to management, about how to incorporate ergonomic strategies into your daily routine. 
  1. Office space planning can save you thousands in workplace injury costs by implementing a proactive ergonomic solution. 
  1. On-site installations are valuable after you order furniture and accessories. Our team will be able to install and adjust these items with sound ergonomic principles.


Ergo Works® in Palo Alto, CA is your ergonomic expert. Whether you need a workstation evaluation, workshop training or on-site installation, contact us. We can help you create a safe and healthy work environment. Our team was developed to combat ergonomic concerns among heavy computer users. Take advantage of our in-person services. We’d love to see you.

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